Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 31

WOW! last day of January! Sure has gone by so fast!
So I often scope out killer blogs and websites that have amazing offers on products. My biggest "HIGH" that I can get is saving money on diapers. Stupid diapers! We've been buying them for 6.5 years and I CANNOT WAIT TO BE DONE WITH THEM :)
A few months ago I discovered Amazon Mom's. Not only do they have great deals on a bunch of different products but they offer 30% off diapers. In a few magazines there have been some extra coupons that you can stack making diapers nearly 75+% OFF!!
So I ordered a box of Pampers of 156 on Thursday from Amazon and they came today!
This what kind of deal I got :)
Normally on Amazon without being an Amazon Mom- would be:
for signing up to Amazon Mom's you get 30% off.
in my free American baby magazine (I got at BabiesRus) there was a 20% coupon
in my Parenting magazine there was a $10 off amazon order.
Shipping is FREE

So this is what I paid-
Item Subtotal: $40.88
Shipping and handling: $0.00
Subscription Discount: $-12.26
Promotion Applied: $-8.18
Promotion Applied: $-10.00
Amazon clip coupon: $-1.50
Total: $8.95

Ahhhh.... getting a deal like makes me smile :D

1 comment:

  1. Mine came the other day - $18 is still a GREAT deal! I got a 4, and I think we may have to move up to 5 next time - these boys are getting so big!
