Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year!

My 365 Journey...
2010 has been amazing! My business has taken off and I couldn't be happier! I find so much joy in what I do... in capturing a special time in Families lives; from watching and capturing a brand new newborn being embraced in his Mommy's arms for the first time... to a little 9 month old so proud of herself as she attempts to pull herself up along a chair. I LOVE 1 year old clients who either LOVE diggin' in a cake or how absolutely HATES it and me for being involved into this mess!
My job is such a blessing and feel so lucky that I'm able to stay at home with my 3 children and to schedule sessions around ballet, gymnastics and school activities! I've met so many fantastic families and for them to start off as a stranger and leave has friends and clients for life.... makes my job worth every struggle and stress with what it takes with running a business!

2010 has been an incredibly busy year. We made a huge move where we are currently still on our "adventure" ... waiting for our new house.
Between huge changes for our family and working probably a little more then I should- I've neglected photographing for FUN! I find photographing my own children a chore - and I want to change in 2011. My goal is to have a theme every week and to photograph something around the theme everyday. I also want to photograph my children for fun and not to end a session with one of my kids in tears or with me fuming :) Yes I fume with my children as I think they should know better and behave... but in all reality they are just like my clients and I need to treat them like I do others :) bring on the bribes!

Okay enough with this blogging as I'm not much of a blogger and feel more like I ramble then anything else!
Thank you to all my amazing clients who have kept me one busy lady and for all the referrals! I do not advertise and to have kept so busy from
Happy New Year!

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